Key activities
Mr Röhl is head of the IP department at RDP and specialises in trademark, competition, patent and design law. He works internationally and represents German and international companies as a lawyer, advising them comprehensively in all areas of intellectual property law.
His practice focuses on the enforcement of trade mark and design rights in infringement proceedings before the competent civil courts in Germany and on the monitoring and enforcement of trade mark and design rights in the respective registers before the EUIPO or the DPMA as well as before the European courts such as the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice and the Federal Patent Court.
Christian M. Röhl was honoured as WIPR Leader 2019-2024 in the field of trademarks. WIPR Leaders is a World IP Review guide for the world's leading IP practitioners. Starting with a four-month nomination phase in which WIPR seeks the opinion of 12,000 IP professionals, WIPR's research team screens each lawyer for eligibility by examining their work and looking at firm history, industry expertise and notable cases, as well as additional activities such as writing and teaching commitments.
The IP legal department is regularly recommended as a top commercial law firm in the field of trade marks by Focus.
Mr Röhl is fluent in German and English.
RA Röhl gives specialist lectures, in particular advanced training courses for other specialist lawyers such as currently
DAI (German Lawyers Institute): Product protection in companies (together with Moritz Schumacher Senior Legal Counsel IP. Birkenstock)
DAI (Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut): Attack and defence strategies for international IP infringements (also Rechtsanwaltskammer München, Rechtsanwaltskammer Koblenz etc.)
MAV GmbH (Training Institute of the Münchener Anwaltvereins e.V.): Managing Director Liability in IP Law (also Rechtsanwaltskammer München)
- German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
- International Trademark Association (INTA)
- Working group for intellectual property and media at the DAV (AGEM - regional manager Munich)