Compliance / Whistleblower Protection Act

Compliance refers to adherence to legal regulations, internal guidelines and ethical standards within a company. However, moral standards can also play a role, which should be adhered to in dealings with customers, employees, society or business partners.

A compliance management system is used for internal risk identification and risk minimisation in order to avoid legal risks, liability claims, fines, sanctions and reputational damage.

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Compliance in the company

The introduction of compliance structures or a compliance management system in a company is a process that affects all areas of the organisation.

The requirements for corporate compliance vary depending on the size, industry and business activities of a company. For this reason, it is always necessary to start with an individual risk assessment and the legal framework applicable to the company (e.g. by creating a legal register). Based on this, objectives and measures must be defined that set the framework for compliance tasks.

Tasks of compliance in the company:

  • Determination of the applicable legal framework
  • Identification of risks / risk assessment
  • Creating and updating guidelines and codes of conduct that define the legal and ethical standards for the company
  • Training and sensitising employees to the applicable guidelines and codes of conduct and informing them of the possible consequences of violations
  • Monitoring and controlling compliance with guidelines and codes of conduct as well as legal regulations through regular audits, reviews and reports

Whistleblower Protection Act

The Whistleblower Protection Act came into force on 2 July 2023.
This means that many companies need to take action now.
Failure to do so could result in fines, but only from 1 December 2023, or 17 December 2023 for smaller companie

With a functioning whistleblower system, your company can be informed about legal and economic risks at an early stage and eliminate them before any damage occurs.

The obligation to introduce a whistleblower system applies not only to private companies but also to federal, state and local authorities and public institutions.

Requirements for whistleblower protection systems

The implementation of a legally compliant whistleblower protection system, which above all takes into account the high confidentiality requirements, poses problems for many companies.

In particular, it should be noted that setting up an internal email inbox does not fulfil the requirements of a whistleblower system in most cases.

In addition, the tasks of an internal reporting office may only be assigned to persons who have the necessary expertise to handle incoming reports in accordance with the law and make the right decisions.

Services RDP Whistleblower Protection Act

Our team will be happy to advise and support you in the legally compliant introduction and maintenance of whistleblower systems - regardless of whether an internal reporting centre is to be set up in the company or whether it is to be outsourced.
If required, we can also take over the tasks of an internal reporting centre for you. We offer you a web-based whistleblowing system that fully fulfils the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act for a reporting channel.

Our services at a glance

  • Advice on the introduction of a whistleblowing system (reporting centre and channels)
  • Provision of a web-based whistleblower portal
  • Preparation of documents such as guidelines, company agreements, data protection information and employee information on the Whistleblower Protection Act
  • Fulfilment of the tasks of the internal reporting office through representation in official, judicial and extrajudicial proceedings

Advantages of our web-based whistleblowing system

  • ISO-27001 certified whistleblowing system
  • Individual customisation for your company
  • Possibility to allow anonymous reports
  • Clearly organised forms
  • Submitted reports can be retrieved by the whistleblower at any time
  • Anonymous or personalised 2-way communication
  • End-to-end encryption

Contact us - we will be happy to advise you!